Preserving a Church’s Beauty

A picture of the chancel area in the sanctuary.

We usually talk about very personal books — one describing a year in a family or a favorite vacation. This book is certainly a very personal effort. Its focus is to recognize the beauty of a church’s physical facility while acknowledging memorials established by those who felt a spiritual call to create that beauty. The First Presbyterian Church of Arkansas City, KS, will celebrate 150 years of their heritage in 2023. Tim Harmon, a lifetime member and longtime music director of the church, and other members of the worship committee wanted to honor that heritage.

The book began with an idea to get photos of the five memorial windows at the west end of the sanctuary, interview family members for short biographies of the people memorialized, and then use the church copier to print out some type of pamphlet or booklet for the church membership.

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Photocrafting Coronavirus Experiences

The coronavirus has many of us staying at home and most of us adjusting to new ways of living. Hopefully photocrafting is still a fun part of your week — and even an occasional escape. We propose to combine the news and adjustments into a photocrafting history especially since it can involve at-home kids as well as adults!

A photo of a group of neighbors getting together  in the street with all their chairs carefully placed 6' apart.
Friends obeying the 6′ separation but enjoying a neighborhood Happy Hour!
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